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Search results

  1. Wargle

    The servant headquarters

    Butterfree is Bug/Flying. And evolved cage route 6.
  2. Wargle

    The servant headquarters

    Uhh... Thank you... I would get an Aipom to act this way. If only you were a hot chick you would be MINE!
  3. Wargle

    The servant headquarters

    Cage route 1 evolved. I need someone (big) that can learn fly (besides my poor lil' Togetic).
  4. Wargle

    The servant headquarters

    Wee. I needed some leaves AND sand in my team. Now I got both!
  5. Wargle

    The servant headquarters

    Because it knows me from prior meetings. We used to play poker every second and third Monday of the month. (Although I SWEAR those cards it had weren't randomly generated.)) And a go down evolved route four. Or whichever is the Gorund type.
  6. Wargle

    The servant headquarters

    Srsly? TWO MALE CYNDAQUILS NOW!!! omg If I get another i'll evovle them until I have one of each member!
  7. Wargle

    The servant headquarters

    Cages 1 and 4. Both evovled. (the dragon/flying and the fire) *Hands six dollars.*
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